Cub Scout Adult Leader Training
You are invited to an in-person Cub Scout Adult Leader Training Meeting for:
- Cubmaster / Assistant Cubmaster
- Den Leader / Assistant Den Leader
- Pack Committee Chair / Pack Committee Member
Where: Council Service Center
Dates: May 29 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. Part 1
May 30 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. Part 2 & 3
Must complete both nights to be trained.
Cost: $ 5.00
This training is the beginning for new adult volunteers or a refresher course for experienced Scouters to better your leadership skills for the Cub Scouts you serve. From this training you will receive first-hand information from an experienced staff on how to be a great Cub Master, or how to plan good Den Meetings, or the importance of the Pack Committee. You will also have an opportunity to network with both experienced and new Cub Scout Leaders. At the end of the course, we will give you valuable links to resources such as:
- The Den Leader Planning Guide
- The Pack Committee Structure guide
- Information on how to do your annual program planning.
- Train Patch and Cub Scout Adult Leader Syllabus Link.
This in person training will help you make your Pack and Den meetings fun for you and your Scouts!
Please register in advance at the link below.
Questions / Information:
Wayne or (504) 400-9640