BugFest 2024 will be held at The Crosby Arboretum in Picayune, Mississippi on September 20 and 21. It will include experts from three states and feature:
- The Insectarium
- The Mississippi Museum of Natural Science
- Bat Trail – newly created for this event!
- The Hattiesburg Zoo
- Patrick Allison’s crawfish booth
- The Spider Lady
- The Bug Lady
- Madagascar hissing cockroaches--will they be racing each other?
- Mississippi Bug Blues - live insects!
- Safely view an active beehive in action. Can you spot the Queen?
- And more!
This is a NO kill event.
$5/adults; $2/ages 12 and under. Registration must be completed at https://msuext.ms/24bugfest
Also attached is information about the BugFest 2024 Photo Competition. It is free to all ages. Entries are due September 14.
Thank you for sharing this opportunity and again, best wishes.
Jenny Helber-Visitor Services, The Crosby Arboretum
Phone: 601-799-2311
Web: www.crosbyarboretum.msstate.edu
Email: jh4755@msstate.edu
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1639
Physical Address: 370 Ridge Road, Picayune, MS 39466